Thursday, October 10, 2019

Families in Mission- Where will your family serve?

I recently read this article about helping families serve in mission together, and I was instantly proud of the way our congregation at NRUMC encourages families to do this!

If you spend even just a few minutes on our new website you'll see SO MANY ways our church is in mission! From monthly hurricane relief trips to supporting over 75 backpacks of food every week for students in need. Our church's values call us to generosity- to serve and give to others, but also to exhibit courage! Serving as a family might mean giving up something else. I encourage you to be brave enough to SAY YES anyway,  even if it means saying no to something else... 

I pray that
 during this season that your family will take advantage of just a few of the mission opportunities that NRUMC offers. 

YAM JAM  - Oct. 12
-Come dig in the dirt and bag potatoes for the Society of St. Andrews!

Family Promise -Oct. 20-27
- Sign up to cook a meal or be an evening host!

SuperHero Run - Oct. 26
-For the fifth year, friends, family members, runners and walkers will come together to support two families who have suffered too much after their children were affected by rare diseases

UMW Holiday Market - Nov. 7/8
- Bring baked good or crafts to donate to the market.
- Donate used books
- Come shop the market and silent auction on Nov. 7

UMM BBQ- Nov. 8
-Order BBQ plates and Brunswick stew in advance to benefit local missions!

Visit our website to see even more mission opportunities!

“I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  
Acts 20:35

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